Thursday, 6 December 2007

it's true: the muse kisses you when you are asleep!

last night i had the inspiration to make a banner where the user can click on a button that says 'let it snow!' and then some wonderful snowflakes fell from the top. this is a very beautiful idea. because snow is just beautiful! and everyone knows this christimas song. so it is kind of helping the people to prepare for christmas by giving them a song they can't get out of their minds... hähä
i found the first tutorial that hopefully helps me with the snow flakes:

ok, but what is the product? a quick brainstorming and now i cant get the snow dome out of my head.

the user can shake the snow dome and let it snow.
how about a society snow dome? rock soc?
yes, this is defenietely THE THINGY thats missing in my room!

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